An auditory blog

A new blog

This is my new website. It's a blog and it will be mostly about auditory perception, so I called it I considered calling it, but my wife didn't like that name for reasons I'd rather not stipulate.

I've been making websites half-heartedly for a long time. I've dabbled with Wordpress, Jekyll, and Pelican. In the past, each time I picked up a new tool or bought a new domain, I found myself spending far too much time tinkering with the unimportant stuff, like CSS. This really got in the way of actually writing content and my websites ended up being these shallow, empty things that nobody read.

I find I work best in spaces with confined parameters. Give me too many options and I will never get anything done. This applies to the most important as well as the most trivial aspects of my life; I can't choose between fifteen main courses at a restaurant. Wordpress, Jekyll, and so on were too fully featured, too customizable for me. I needed fewer options.

So when I saw bearblog on HackerNews, I thought I'd try it. I'm sure it won't be read much either, but it might contain a few more words.

#blogging #inconsequential